Sunday Traditional Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study
Join us at 10:00 am Tuesdays at the PastTime Cafe, everyone is invited.
Women of the Word
All ladies are invited to join The Women of the Word ladies for their meetings and fellowship. They get together the last Tuesday in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November to plan mission work and fellowship together. Meetings are announced in our monthly newsletters, weekly bulletins and church FB page. We extend and invite to all ladies in the church.
Craft Group
This group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Fellowship Hall from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. All are invited to bring their crafts and join us. We share potluck lunch together at 12:00.
Join us at 10:00 am Tuesdays at the PastTime Cafe, everyone is invited.
Women of the Word
All ladies are invited to join The Women of the Word ladies for their meetings and fellowship. They get together the last Tuesday in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November to plan mission work and fellowship together. Meetings are announced in our monthly newsletters, weekly bulletins and church FB page. We extend and invite to all ladies in the church.
Craft Group
This group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the Fellowship Hall from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. All are invited to bring their crafts and join us. We share potluck lunch together at 12:00.
Administrative Council Chairperson: Madeline Foltz
Treasurer: Jeff Pieper
Trustee Chairperson: Roger Holtsberry
Organist: Alice Lawson
Pianist: Ann Goyings
Financial Secretary: Madeline Foltz
Church Historian: Kim Sutton
Church Steward: Deb Dougal
Delegate to Annual Conference: Alice Lawson
Worship Chairperson: Deb Dougal
Finance Chairperson: Alice Lawson
Recording & Membership Secretary:
Staff Parish Relations Chairperson:
Women of the Word: Jan Cook
Treasurer: Jeff Pieper
Trustee Chairperson: Roger Holtsberry
Organist: Alice Lawson
Pianist: Ann Goyings
Financial Secretary: Madeline Foltz
Church Historian: Kim Sutton
Church Steward: Deb Dougal
Delegate to Annual Conference: Alice Lawson
Worship Chairperson: Deb Dougal
Finance Chairperson: Alice Lawson
Recording & Membership Secretary:
Staff Parish Relations Chairperson:
Women of the Word: Jan Cook
The mission of the Paulding United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We should be about our Father's business... making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Paulding United Methodist Church
Church: 321 North Williams Avenue Paulding, Ohio 45879
Mailing: 308 North Main Street Paulding, Ohio 45879
Paulding United Methodist Church
Church: 321 North Williams Avenue Paulding, Ohio 45879
Mailing: 308 North Main Street Paulding, Ohio 45879